Madison's Crib

Madison's new crib bedding!!!!! It is sooooo cute I love it!!!


The Pachuilo Family said...

Cute bedding! You don't have much longer, are you in your nesting stage right now?

Looks like you all are doing really well and handling the heat. Keep posting those pics.

Nana said...

Thanks for the update. I love the crib. Zeke is still soooo cute! I bet you didn't give Nick anymore cookies.

Gangwer said...

Yes I am in nesting mode and the heat is killing me!!!! I can now say I am ready for her to come out!!

Chanse and Janell said...

SO cute! Love the birds : )

Clint and Sheri said...

Oh! That is so cute and different I love it ! MMMMM Peanut butter cookies

Shaun and Emily said...

I love the bedding it's so cute. My daughter Alexis has a bedspread kindof like it.I didn't know you guys were having a girl! How fun!